

20041128: AFFECTS users of mail/dspam and mail/dspam-devel AUTHOR itetcu@people.tecnik93.com When upgrading from previous version, read mail/dspam/files/UPDATING and adjust your options. 前のバージョンからアップグレードする時、mail/dspam/f…


20041126: The numbers of arguments for ng_timeout() and ng_untimeout() have changed. If netgraph.ko is rebuilt or if netgraph is statically compiled in kernel, then the following modules must also be rebuilt: ng_timeout()およびng_untimeout…


追加 #jail_example_mount_enable="NO" mount/umount jail's fs #jail_example_fstab="" fstab(5) for mount/umount commit log Implement per-jail fstab(5) files. Here's a rc.conf sample using this feature for a jail named foo: jail毎のfstab(5)フ…


commit log Fight trailing whitespace (no content change) 文末空白との戦い(内容変更なし) $FreeBSD: ports/UPDATING,v 1.104 2004/11/21 03:57:35 pav Exp $

Rawdog 2.xはstateファイルのフォーマットを変更します

20041121: AFFECTS users of news/rawdog AUTHOR tim@bishnet.net Rawdog 2.x changes the format of the state file used in 1.x. To upgrade from 1.x to 2.x the rawdog author recommends the following: Rawdog 2.xは、1.xで使用されるstateファイルの…


修正 # Disable swapping of upages and stack pages. This option removes all # code which actually performs swapping, so it's not possible to turn # it back on at run-time. # upagesとスタックページのスワップを無効にします。このオプションは、…

id:TransFreeBSD:20041024:p5 の修正

commit log Make it clear that 'SQLite 1.x' is not the original SQLite, but a perl module to use SQLite. 「SQLite 1.x」がオリジナルのSQLiteではなくSQLiteを使用するperlモジュールであることを明確にしました。 Suggested by nork (via ReichaNet) …


20041118: AFFECTS users of sysutils/portupgrade AUTHOR lofi@freebsd.org portsdb(1) is part of the portupgrade suite and is used to convert a ports INDEX file to a binary INDEX.db database. By default, it uses the libc-builtin berkeley db t…


20041116: AFFECTS users of www/bricolage AUTHOR ports@rbt.ca Bricolage may now be run on mod_perl compiled as a DSO for Apache when following these guidelines: Bricolageは、これらのガイドラインに従うとき、ApacheのためのDSOとしてコンパイル…


commit log Initiate deorbit burn sequence for 80386 support in FreeBSD: Remove 80386 (I386_CPU) support from the kernel. FreeBSDの80386サポートの軌道離脱点火シーケンス開始:カーネルからの80386(I386_CPU)サポート削除 $FreeBSD: src/sys/i386/co…

80386CPUを備えたシステムはFreeBSD 5.x以前を使用してください

20041116: Support for systems with an 80386 CPU has been removed. Please use FreeBSD 5.x or earlier on systems with an 80386. 80386CPUを備えたシステムのサポートが削除されました。80386を備えたシステムはFreeBSD 5.xあるいはより初期版を使用し…

INDEX-5の除去により「make index」に長い時間をとるかもしれません

20041115: AFFECTS users of sysutils/portupgrade AUTHOR lofi@FreeBSD.org Due to the recent removal of INDEX and INDEX-5 from FreeBSD's CVS, portupgrade with default configuration will run 'make index' if started after cvsup'ing the ports-co…


追加 # ACPI Sony extra (LCD brightness) device acpi_sony commit log Add acpi_sony to the list of drivers that are built. 構築されるドライバのリストにacpi_sonyを加えました。 $FreeBSD: src/sys/i386/conf/NOTES,v 1.1175 2004/11/15 19:46:22 imp…


削除 options AUTOFS Auto File System commit log Catch a few more autofs references. さらに若干のautofsリファレンスを得て下さい。 Submitted by obrien $FreeBSD: src/sys/conf/NOTES,v 1.1288 2004/11/12 19:44:30 peter Exp $


20041111: AFFECTS users of java AUTHOR glewis@FreeBSD.org javavmwrapper has been rewritten. It now creates symbolic links for all executables of the Java VMs that have been registered with it. These symbolic links may impact which version …


20041111: AFFECTS users of audio/faad, multimedia/mpeg4ip AUTHOR lioux@FreeBSD.org mpeg4ip has been updated and broken down into 2 separate ports: mpeg4ip and mpeg4ip-libmp4v2. Furthermore, mpeg4ip now depends on faad. Moreover, faad now d…


20041110: We have had a hack which would mount the root filesystem R/W if the device were named 'md*'. As part of the vnode work I'm doing I have had to remove this hack. People building systems which use preloaded MD root filesystems may …


追加 options NETGRAPH_NETFLOW commit log MFC: Attach ng_netflow to build. ng_netflowを構築するために加えました。 Approved by julian (mentor) $FreeBSD: src/sys/conf/NOTES,v 1.1261.2.8 2004/11/10 19:11:12 glebius Exp $


追加 tmpmfs_flags="-S" Extra mdmfs options for the mfs /tmp varmfs_flags="-S" Extra mount options for the mfs /var commit log Add two new rc.conf options: tmpmfs_flags and varmfs_flags. 2つの新しいrc.confオプションを加えました:tmpmfs_flags…


追加 # The `vlan' device implements the VLAN tagging of Ethernet frames # according to IEEE 802.1Q. It requires `device miibus'. # 「vlan」デバイスは、IEEE 802.1Qによるイーサネットフレームの # VLANタギングを実装します。それには「device mii…


削除 # gx: Intel Pro/1000 Gigabit Ethernet (82542, 82543-F, 82543-T)device gx commit log Remove the obsolete gx driver. 旧式のgxドライバを削除しました。 All the hardware is supported by the better maintained if_em driver. すべてのハードウ…


20041107: AFFECTS all users who have any GNOME libraries installed AUTHOR adamw@FreeBSD.org and the rest of the FreeBSD/GNOME crew Hey, 2.6! You don't have to be 2.6 anymore! やぁ2.6!もう2.6である必要がなくなったよ! Do NOT use portupgrade(…

gmailのためにブラウザIDを「Safari 1.2.3 on Mac OS X」にセットする必要があります

20041107: AFFECTS users of x11/kdebase3 AUTHOR kde@freebsd.org To use GMail in konqueror, you need to set the browser identification for gmail.google.com to 'Safari 1.2.3 on Mac OS X', otherwise you will not be able to click on any links i…


20041104: AFFECTS users of japanese/rskkserv AUTHOR rushani@FreeBSD.org The format of PREFIX/etc/rskkserv.conf has changed in version 2.95. Please update your configuration file before restarting the server using PREFIX/share/examples/rskk…


削除 start_vinum="NO" set to YES to start vinum commit log Sync up with vinum(8) and rc.d/vinum removal. vinum(8)とrc.d/vinumの削除に同期させました。 OK'ed by phk $FreeBSD: src/etc/defaults/rc.conf,v 1.229 2004/11/04 13:33:29 ru Exp $


20041104: AFFECTS users of security/clamav-devel AUTHOR rob@debank.tv The configuration file was renamed from clamav.conf to clamd.conf, make sure to move your configuration before restarting the server. 設定ファイルはclamav.confからclamd.…

ここでFreeBSD 5.3は送り出されました

20041104: FreeBSD 5.3 shipped here. ここでFreeBSD 5.3は送り出されました。 $FreeBSD: src/UPDATING,v 1.387 2005/02/04 21:22:06 imp Exp $


修正 options SCSI_DELAY=15000 Delay (in ms) before probing SCSI commit log Reduce annoying SCSI probing delay from 15 to 5 seconds in all GENRIC kernels. いらいらするSCSI検出ディレイをすべてのGENRICカーネルで15秒から5秒へ短縮しました。 Dis…


修正 options SCSI_DELAY=85000 Be pessimistic about Joe SCSI device commit log Reduce annoying SCSI probing delay from 15 to 5 seconds in all GENRIC kernels. いらいらするSCSI検出ディレイをすべてのGENRICカーネルで15秒から5秒へ短縮しました。 …


20041102: The size of struct tcpcb has changed again due to the removal of RFC1644 T/TCP. You have to recompile userland programs that read kmem for tcp sockets directly (netstat, sockstat, etc.) struct tcpcbのサイズは、RFC1644 T/TCPの除去…