
FreeBSD-SA-05:04.ifconf "Kernel memory disclosure in ifconf()"

The FreeBSD Project よりセキュリティ勧告が出ました。要点を以下にまとめます。 SIOCGIFCONF ioctlにより呼び出されるifconf()は最初にバッファをゼロクリアしていないため、他の内容の一部をコピーしてしまう脆弱性がある。 この脆弱性により権限のないユ…


削除 # By default, mixed mode is used to route IRQ0 from the AT timer via # the 8259A master PIC through the ExtINT pin on the first I/O APIC. # This can be disabled via the NO_MIXED_MODE option. In that case, # IRQ0 will be routed via an …


20050415: AFFECTS users of net-mgmt/cricket AUTHOR ijliao@FreeBSD.org As of 2004/11/09 cricket uses a separate user "wwwadm". If you upgrade your installtion*1, make sure you chown your existing data. 2004/11/09現在、cricketは別のユーザ"ww…


20050415: The NO_MIXED_MODE kernel option has been removed from the i386 amd64 platforms as its use has been superceded by the new local APIC timer code. Any kernel config files containing this option should be updated. その用途は新しいロ…