
5.3R 5.4R間のUPDATING追加内容


5.3R 5.4R間のGENERIC変更内容

追加 #device ehci EHCI PCI->USB interface (USB 2.0) device cdce Generic USB over Ethernet device arcmsr Areca SATA II RAID

5.3R 5.4R間のNOTES変更内容

追加 options GEOM_SHSEC Shared secret. device carp Common Address Redundancy Protocol options NETGRAPH_NETFLOW device dragon_saver device snake_saver # IPFIREWALL_FORWARD_EXTENDEDはローカルIPアドレスとポートへのパケット転送 # を含め、全パ…

5.3R 5.4R間のi386/NOTES変更内容

追加 # Watchdog routines. options MP_WATCHDOG # asr old ioctls support, needed by raidutils options ASR_COMPAT # Areca 11xx and 12xx series of SATA II RAID controllers. # CAM is required. device arcmsr Areca SATA II RAID # Debugging option…

5.3R 5.4R間のrc.conf変更内容

追加 root_rw_mount="YES" Set to NO to inhibit remounting root read-write. tmpmfs_flags="-S" Extra mdmfs options for the mfs /tmp varmfs_flags="-S" Extra mount options for the mfs /var #ifconfig_fxp0_name="net0" Change interface name from f…

FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASEに関するアナウンス、リリースノート、正誤表などへのリンク

Announcement http://www.jp.freebsd.org/www.FreeBSD.org/releases/5.4R/announce.html Release Notes http://www.jp.freebsd.org/www.FreeBSD.org/releases/5.4R/relnotes.html alpha http://www.jp.freebsd.org/www.FreeBSD.org/releases/5.4R/relnotes-a…