
NOTE: 5.x below applies to 6.0-currrent as well, for the momemnt. 4.any -> 5.any upgrade support will remain in place for 6.0 current, but after 5.3 RELEASE, the 4.any -> 6.0-current upgrade path will require moving through 5.3 RELEASE or newer.
commit log:
Add a blanket note about 5.x being the same as 6.0 and vice versa for the time being.
Also add a note that says we are going to remove the band-aides for 4.early -> 6.0 after 5.3-RELEASE so people get used to the idea, even though it has been planned since before 5.0 was released.
$FreeBSD: src/UPDATING,v 1.348 2004/08/23 18:51:36 imp Exp $