
users of x11/kde3, x11/kdelibs3, x11/kdebase3, x11-themes/kdeartwork3, www/akregator, x11-themes/phase, multimedia/kdemultimedia3

In KDE 3.4, a number of files were moved between ports, some ports were added, one port has been removed and some applictions formerly available in their own ports were incorporated into KDE. This means that you will have to take some precautions to update your KDE installation. A simple portupgrade -a will not work.
Portupgrade -R kde can fail as well, depending on what parts of KDE you have currently installed. We therefore recommend sticking to the following procedure. The procedure requires you to have sysutils/portupgrade installed and you to be the superuser (or using sudo). We recommend not being logged in to a KDE session on the machine you're performing the upgrade on. If you choose to perform the update while being logged in to KDE, expect erratic behaviour and crashes from applications launched until you log out and back in.
1.) Delete installed packages which conflict with the updated KDE ports.

pkg_deinstall -f kdeartwork-\[0-9\]\* kdebase-\[0-9\]\* \
kdebase-konqueror-nsplugins-\[0-9\]\* kdewebdev-\[0-9\]\* \
kde-\[0-9\]\* akregator\* phase\*

2.) Now update the remaining KDE ports.

portupgrade -O arts\* \*kde\*

or, if you want to update KDE along with other updated ports:

portupgrade -a

3.) Reinstall the KDE ports you deleted in step 1.

portinstall -O kdebase kdeartwork kdewebdev

Changes in detail:

  • www/akregator is now included into deskutils/kdepim3.
  • x11-themes/phase is now included in x11-themes/kdeartwork3.
  • www/konqueror-nsplugins has been removed and is now integrated into x11/kdebase3.
  • Juk has been split out of multimedia/kdemultimedia3 and is now available as audio/juk.
  • Akode has been split out of multimedia/kdemultimedia3 and is now available as audio/akode and audio/akode-plugins-*. Akode is also a default dependency of multimedia/kdemultimedia3 now.
  • audio/mpeglib_artsplug has been demoted to legacy status and is no longer the default decoder backend for kdemultimedia3. It's also not depended on by kdemultimedia3 by default anymore.

Known post-updating issues:

  • If you're missing acoustic notifications (system sounds) after the update:
    rm ~/.kde/share/config/knotifyrc
    Then log out of KDE and back in again (also see http://freebsd.kde.org/faq.php#q16).
  • kdm users might get warnings from kdm about obsolete lines in kdmrc. You can migrate your configuration while preserving your customizations by running (as root or with sudo)
    Make sure to backup your old kdm configuration (usually found in /usr/local/share/config/kdm) beforehand in case the merge produces an invalid configuration. Especially note that kdm does not use the Xservers file anymore. A genkdmconf run will merge its contents into kdmrc.

Extensive information about changes and new features of KDE 3.4 can be found at http://developer.kde.org/development-versions/kde-3.4-features.html . Bugs can be reported at http://bugs.kde.org.
$FreeBSD: ports/UPDATING,v 1.167 2005/03/20 18:17:20 lofi Exp $
$FreeBSD: ports/UPDATING,v 1.168 2005/03/20 19:11:58 lofi Exp $
$FreeBSD: ports/UPDATING,v 1.169 2005/03/21 00:10:00 lofi Exp $