

users of linux-opera

Opera has been updated to 8.0. If you are upgrade from version 7.x or below, it is recommend for you to backup your personal "~/.linux-opera" directory and remove it. It can be done following from the command line:

# cp -Rp ~/.linux-opera ~/.linux-opera-bak
# rm -rf ~/.linux-opera/*

After that, you can put your bookmark, email, contacts and etc back in ~/.linux-opera/. The bookmark is ~/.linux-opera/opera6.adr and the email is ~/.linux-opera/mail as you can figure out by view in ~/.linux-opera/. It is probably not good idea to put opera6.ini, userstyle.ini, search.ini, pluginpath.ini and other non-personal stuff back in ~/.linux-opera/. The non-personal stuff should be re-configure on new stuff by either Opera preferences in GUI or hand (manual) in your editor.
$FreeBSD: ports/UPDATING,v 1.181 2005/04/19 21:08:56 mezz Exp $