

# XBOX causes the kernel to be bootable on the Microsoft XBox console system.
# The resulting kernel will auto-detect whether it is being booted on a XBox,
# so kernels compiled with this option will also work on an ordinary PC.
# This option require I686_CPU.
# xboxfb includes support for the XBox frame buffer device. It is fully USB-
# keyboard aware, and will only be used if an xbox is detected. This option
# (obviously) requires XBOX support in your kernel.
# NOTE: xboxfb currently conflicts with syscons(4); if you have an XBOX and
# include both in your kernel; you will not get any video output. Ordinary
# PC's do not suffer from this.
  • options XBOX
  • device xboxfb

commit log

Add xbox associated options/devices to LINT.

Submitted by
Rink P.W. Springer

$FreeBSD: src/sys/i386/conf/NOTES,v 1.1212 2005/11/14 00:20:27 imp Exp $