
# To use rc's built-in jail infrastructure create entries for
# each jail, specified in jail_list, with the following variables.
# - replace 'example' with the jail's name.
# - except rootdir, hostname and ip, all of the following variables may be made
#   global jail variables if you don't specify a jail name (ie. jail_interface).
Interface to create the IP alias on

commit log

  • Change the "jail_" prefix for internal script variables. This fixes an issue where some global jail_* variables were overriden in the script. [1]
  • Change "jid" to "jname" in rc.conf(5), since it's more a jail name than a jail id. [1]
  • Update examples and comments in defaults/rc.conf to advertise new variables and the fact that some of the jail-specific variables may be made jail-global. [2]
Reported by
pjd [1], clsung [2]
Approved by
freebsd:keyword:MFC">MFC after:i got sufficient testing from people using rc.d/jail

$FreeBSD: src/etc/defaults/rc.conf,v 1.283 2006/05/11 14:23:43 flz Exp $