FreeBSD-SA-06:12.opie "OPIE arbitrary password change"

The FreeBSD Project よりセキュリティ勧告が出ました。私の認識を以下にまとめます。

  • 危険度中

セキュリティ勧告は にあります。

I. 背景 - Background

OPIE is a one-time password system designed to help to secure a system against replay attacks. It does so using a secure hash function and a challenge/response system. The opiepasswd(1) program is used to set up OPIE authentication for a user. OPIE is enabled by default on FreeBSD through PAM.

II. 問題の詳細 - Problem Description

The opiepasswd(1) program uses getlogin(2) to identify the user calling opiepasswd(1). In some circumstances getlogin(2) will return "root" even when running as an unprivileged user. This causes opiepasswd(1) to allow an unpriviled user to configure OPIE authentication for the root user.

III. 影響範囲 - Impact

In certain cases an attacker able to run commands as a non privileged users which have not explicitly logged in, for example CGI scripts run by a web server, is able to configure OPIE access for the root user. If the attacker is able to authenticate as root using OPIE authentication, for example if "PermitRootLogin" is set to "yes" in sshd_config or the attacker has access to a local user in the "wheel" group, the attacker can gain root privileges.

IV. 回避方法 - Workaround

Disable OPIE authentication in PAM:

# sed -i "" -e /opie/s/^/#/ /etc/pam.d/*

Remove the setuid bit from opiepasswd:

# chflags noschg /usr/bin/opiepasswd
# chmod 555 /usr/bin/opiepasswd
# chflags schg /usr/bin/opiepasswd