FreeBSD-SA-06:13.sendmail "Race condition in sendmail"

The FreeBSD Project よりセキュリティ勧告が出ました。私の認識を以下にまとめます。

  • 危険度高

セキュリティ勧告は にあります。
NOTE: The issue discussed in this advisory was reported to the FreeBSD Security Team, and the patch which corrects it was supplied, by the Sendmail Consortium via CERT. Due to the limited information available concerning the nature of the vulnerability, the FreeBSD Security Team has not been able to evaluate the effectiveness of the fixes, nor the possibility of other workarounds.
注記:この勧告で論じられている件はCERTを通じてSendmail ConsortiumによりFreeBSD Security Teamに報告され(これを修正するパッチを提供し)ました。したがって、脆弱性の本質に関して入手できる情報が限られているために、FreeBSD Security Teamは修正の有効性や他の回避方法の可能性について評価する事ができません。

I. 背景 - Background

FreeBSD includes sendmail(8), a general purpose internetwork mail routing facility, as the default Mail Transfer Agent (MTA).

II. 問題の詳細 - Problem Description

A race condition has been reported to exist in the handling by sendmail of asynchronous signals.

III. 影響範囲 - Impact

A remote attacker may be able to execute arbitrary code with the privileges of the user running sendmail, typically root.

IV. 回避方法 - Workaround

There is no known workaround other than disabling sendmail.